The Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recover Research (ISCRR) has produced another newsletter. There is an interesting PhD Scholarship Opportunity focused on preventing work‐related injury and illness in Victoria with the Monash Centre For Occupational & Environmental Health part of the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine,
Monash University, Melbourne. This is funded by the Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recover Research (ISCRR) .
The main objectives of this PhD project are to use workers’ compensation data to answer questions related to the primary prevention of work related injury and illness in Victoria; and to develop methods to integrate workers’ compensation data with other data sources (e.g. labour market survey information or emergency department data) and to examine questions concerning the use of workers’ compensation data for surveillance purposes. There is also said to be scope to conduct analyses comparing primary prevention performance across different jurisdictions.
The ISCRR, about which I have written previously, is a disappointment to me. I had expected that there might be some research looking at the neglected area (in academia) of impairment assessment. To my knowledge there have been no worthwhile studies on this enormous and vastly expensive area.