
WorkSafe Victoria- dialogue with psychiatrists

June 15, 2017

A small group of psychiatrist (including myself) in Victoria are negotiating with WorkSafe with regard to a number of issues including remuneration. Incidentally go to ‘Resources” to have a look at the current fee schedules around the country. This groupare also looking at issues such as suitability to become an IME. My own view is that people should have at least five years postgraduate clinical experience before they are ready to do this type of work. Some of my colleagues disagree and say that people who have done the forensic training program should be able to work as IMEs immediately. I am totally opposed to this.I’m also concerned that people do not seem to understand that we have an essentially adversarial relationship with the WorkCover authority. There have been all sorts of suggestions about accreditation, there was even one suggestion that only those who see at least one IME per month every year should have continuing accreditation. The mind boggles. I hope that a dash of sanity will creep into these discussions. My concerns are with regard to providing appropriate training for IMEs, appropriate remuneration, appropriate mechanisms for dealing with substandard reports, continuing training opportunities and a recognition of the very special nature of the work that we do.


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