Refining your GEPIC assessments
December 8, 2017
I have devised a method of refining your GEPIC scores using the severity table on page 1569 in the Victorian government Gazette dated 27 July, 2006. See how it works for you?
How to use the Severity Rating Table in the GEPIC
- Each class is divided into 3 levels of severity, Low, Medium and High range
- Use the Severity Rating to determine the percentage range in the median class.
Severity Rating Table in the GEPIC (p1569)
Classes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Low |
0-1% |
10-12% |
25-30% |
55-60% |
75-80% |
Medium |
2-3% |
14-16% |
35-40% |
65-70% |
85-90% |
High |
4-5% |
18-20% |
45-50% |
70-75% |
95-100% |
For example:
- Intelligence Class 1 Low severity (L)
- Thinking Class 2 High (H)
- Perception Class 2 Medium (M)
- Judgement Class 2 High (H)
- Mood Class 3 Low (L)
- Behaviour Class 3 Medium (M)
1L, 2H, 2M, 2H, 3L, 3M – Median Class 2
Severity ratings adjusted for Class 2, below = L above = H
1L = L, 2H = H, 2M = M, 2H = H, 3L = H, 3M = H
In order LMHHHH – median severity = H
High severity in Class 2 18-20%
WPI is 20%
Worked Example
- Ray – 45 year old CEO local council
- Council corruption
- Whistleblower – threats made
- Caught drink driving in Council car after work function
- Breakdown
- Attempts suicide – hospitalised
- 2 years later – unemployed, wife left, broke
- Psychiatric treatment
- Severely depressed, can’t concentrate, ’paranoid’, pseudohallucinations, gambled away his money, panic attacks, guilty, suicidal thoughts, withdrawn, road rage
Determine Impairment and severity of the impairment within the median class.
- For each class selected determine severity
- Low (L)
- Medium (M)
- High (H)
- Determine median class
- determine median severity within that class.
- Any severity measures in lower class become Low range L in median class
- Any severity measures in higher class become High range H in median class
- Intelligence Class 1 Low severity (L)
- Thinking Class 3 High (M)
- Perception Class 2 Medium (M)
- Judgement Class 3 High (M)
- Mood Class 3 Medium (M)
- Behaviour Class 3 Medium (M)
1L, 3M, 2M, 3M, 3M, 3M – Median Class 3 (no secondary or consequential impairment)
Severity ratings adjusted for Class 3, below = L above = H
1L = L, 3M = M, 2M = L, 3M = M, 3M = M, 3M = M
In order LLMMMM – median severity in Class 3 = Medium
Medium severity in Class 3 – 35-40%
WPI Pure Mental Harm or Non secondary impairment is 35%
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