From me to WorkSafe
Thursday 24 May 9.30am
Thank you for this interesting document (see previous post).
To avoid misgendering, the use of gender-neutral pronouns such as they, them or their may be more appropriate in some circumstances. Gender-neutral pronouns, such as ‘zie’ and ‘hir’, may also be used. Most importantly, pronouns used should align with those requested by the person and should be used consistently. If you are unsure, respectfully ask the person what their preferred pronoun is and ensure that you use this pronoun when communicating.
There are some issues that require clarification. Could you provide the context in which these terms would be used. Could you also indicate the difference between ‘zie’ and ‘hir’, when they should be used and how these words are pronounced. This information would make it easier for IMEs when dealing with people who do not regard themselves as fitting into the system of binary genders.
WorkSafe response
Thursday 24 May 10.00 am
Thanks for contacting the Independent Medical Examiners (IME) Team.
Your enquiry is important to us and we will be in touch within 1 business day.
From me to WorkSafe
Monday 28 May at 5.30pm
I have not received a response to my email sent on Thursday, can I expect to receive a response soon?
WorkSafe response
Tuesday 29 May
May We apologise for the delay in getting back to you, we have referred your questions to a different business unit for review as this document was created by a different area of WorkSafe. We hope to have an answer for you shortly.
On it goes
Wednesday 30 May at 3.45pm
Re: Clarification of article within IME Insight May 2018
To clarify further, the standard number of questions you should receive within the referral letter is 12. The Agent may request additional questions however they should not exceed a total number of 15 (questions).
From me to WorkSafe
Wednesday 30 May 4.46pm
You advise that agents should ask no more than 15 questions. How does this reconcile with the New mental Injury Eligibility Questions? There are 13 main questions and a possible 25 subsidiary questions.
WorkSafe response
Wednesday 30 may 5.00pm
Thanks for contacting the Independent Medical Examiners (IME) Team.
Your enquiry is important to us and we will be in touch within 1 business day.
Friday 1 June 2018
No response to either query!